1:1 Coaching
I help you understand what’s getting in between the life you have and the life you want.
You have lots of goals.
You want to get promoted. Take your dream holiday. Find a meaningful relationship. Lose those last 10 pounds. Get rid of debt. Find more time.
Your life isn’t bad. In fact, most people think your life is great. But you know that there’s more.
More you want to achieve. More you CAN achieve.
But you aren’t sure how to get there.
This is where a life coach comes in.
What to Expect
Pro-athletes often need to watch a video of their swing to understand exactly what’s working and what’s not.
Once they have this knowledge then they can then take actions to get the results they want.
Coaching is similar.
Just like a pro-athlete observing their swing, coaching will help you observe what’s actually going on in your mind.
This is the skill of meta-cognition.
When you learn this skill, it reveals why you make the decisions you do.
It reveals the ways you are either enabling or blocking your goals.
But most of us don’t really know what’s going on in our mind.
And no matter how many times we tell ourselves we are going to change our behavior, if you don’t know how to change your thinking, behavior change will never last long.
A coach helps you uncover what’s going on in your mind so you can make lasting behavior changes.
We’ll discover what you really want and why you aren’t making progress.
Then we’ll get busy on addressing the root causes of why you aren’t making progress.
When you address the root cause, change can then happen easily. Effortlessly.
So you can feel better and accomplish more than you think is possible.
Schedule A CALL
You’ve never had a life coach before, and you aren’t sure what to expect. Or if you want to see how we might work together, let’s talk.